The Wiccan Rede

May 7, 2008

The Rede has been interpreted as a lot of things. Long, short, law, advice, or not even relevant at all.

The truth is “bad” things and “bad” events are in existence because, not only were we given the capabilities to make these things (ex: given the knowledge to make steel, which can be made into a sword), but also because they are here for a reason.

Bad and good are up to the individual’s interpretation, and of course, perception. For example, most of us good ol’ American kids have gone to D.A.R.E., right? Drugs are “bad”. I know this as I have already gone over that abuse hump and survived it to this point. But at the same time, if there were no drugs or addiction, or abuse or neglect, so many people would not feel that feeling of being alive and reborn that stopping an addiction or freeing themselves from tyranny often gives. Drug free programs would have no use and we would not know the uses, medicinal and otherwise of most plants. Some of our best songs in many genres were written out of and about addiction or abuse of some sort.

There are many things that come out of “harm”, so really, labeling anything as “bad” or “good”, “light” or “dark”, “good” or “evil” is pretty much futile in my opinion. Without one, the other cannot exist. This world is not black and white, or even gray. It is of many shades, hues, sizes, and shapes and we need to consider them all, even within our own “world”.

Although there really is no point in labeling anything as bad or good, we all must have some sort of ethics system to regulate the extension and boundaries of expression and free will. That’s how I see the Wiccan Rede. I do not see it as a law for every person because it is simplistic by itself. However, within its simplicity is its beauty and curse. We all want to do what is best and what will bring the most positive energy to the universe. That poem simply puts a label to that ideal.

It is not to be taken literally, because if we never harmed anything, we better be plants, because we can’t eat anything. In any topic of ethics, it is very tricky because every side of the spectrum has to be taken into account. This world is complicated, but this aspect of humility towards all things, giving back what you take, and treating all with respect and tolerance is an ideal for which all of us should abide by.

Please know that you don’t have to like something to tolerate it. Tolerate is simply saying, ok do what makes you happy.

And, as far as defending yourself, and all that, you are included in the universe, as we are all connected. If I am to hurt you, then I am in essence hurting myself. So, protect yourself! You are all you have at the end of your days in this life. You are the constant that keeps the fabric of existence in tact. If you were meant to be gone, you would not be reading this. The Goddess has given us trials, and has given us the God in the form of the Sun and his rays for us to see the light of every dark situation. There is always a plan B, and your actions will reflect in your environment.

I think that’s it.
Blessed be.

The Law of Return

May 5, 2008

(also called the Rule of Three, Three/Seven Fold Law, etc.)

We all have been wronged before. It sucks, and we all know that people/things can really be experts at knowing what pisses you off the most. And we always hear of people doing unspeakable things and getting off easy. Take for example; most school shooters shoot themselves after they have sufficiently caused enough damage. Hitler did so, so I suppose they are doing him justice? Not too sure, haven’t gotten that far in my abnormal psychology. Back to justice, they get an easy death, one shot and gone, right? How do we know that justice is really served?

I cannot say it truly has. I cannot say it hasn’t either, for the record. First off, they have made themselves seen, as they were invisible. Just in one of the worst ways possible. But being a witch, and a Wiccan one at that, I believe that everyone, no matter who or what you are or believe in gets what comes to them. Be it positive or negative. Whatever you give you get back.

I also believe in reincarnation, and that every life brings us closer and closer to the divine. No matter how miniscule the step, it is there. I am not saying that they are going to reincarnate as a target at a gun range and get shot for all eternity. And I do not believe in the patriarchal Hell/Satan. I do believe in justice, and I believe in it because of all the unheard voices in the world. The people that have been wronged that cannot speak. The dead that were killed before their time. Men, women, babies, mothers, fathers…people that will not die in vain.

Although, it was fate that they leave this Earth, the Divine Spirit, my Lady Luna and Father Helios cannot see their children suffer without proper retribution. The Law of Return is a universal belief that what you do will come back to you, in whatever multiplication you choose to see, be it three, seven, nine, or just whatever multitude the event happened in (which is my belief).

Now, my brother (of all people) said something about karma that made a lot of sense.

If the person does not know what they did was wrong, karma couldn’t come to them.

Of course, his grammar was not as good, but you get the point. That is a very good point, and I agree. That’s when perception comes into play. If we are talking about a universal principle, we have to take individual perception into account. Everyone sees what they want to see, consciously and subconsciously. You may want to see something so bad, but inside, you know you’re not ready for it.

Just like fate. If subconsciously, you believe you did wrong, then wrong will come to you. But if inside you believe you were giving justice, or some kind of belief like that, (i.e. a Nazi extremist, skinhead, or Al Qaeda bomber), then it will not. However, retribution will be given in other ways. Like on our side of the world, we are very prejudice of Middle Eastern folks because of 9/11. The spirits of those men have to see how their fellow Arabs are being treated now. The injustice is because of them. Heightened security, all of it.

I am really getting off track, but moving on.

The Law of Return basically says that we alone are responsible for our actions. They are the only things we, ourselves, can control. Not Satan, not a cult leader, no one. Once you give up your own power, your rebound is that any action was not because of your better judgment. It was because of what you feared regarding that person. The distrust inside of you.

This Law goes so well with Perfect Love and Perfect Trust because you have to love and trust the divine enough that you say I own my life and my actions, because you gave me a mind and a body and a heart to make my decisions with. I am in control, but in the event I get overwhelmed, I can surrender my problems to you.

I know this law is true because I lost one of my dearest loves, and best friends to a force I couldn’t stop.
I know that fate works because I have faith in it.

Have faith in the universe, and it will bring you peace.

RIP Skye
RIP Marc F. Rivers
(Skylar FoxFire or DarkWing)

May we meet again amongst the stars.

Such powerful and inspiring words, spoken by some of the most powerful and inspirational Wiccan people. What does this phrase mean? And, as all smart ass people will say (like me, teeheehee) WTF U MEAN BY PERFECT??

Just finished studying, so here’s my take on it.

We as Wiccan men and women are, for the most part, law-abiding citizens, correct? We may occasionally run that red when were late for work, not necessarily speak up when that cashier gives you five extra bucks back, but we don’t draw the line. We abide by state and federal laws, so religious laws should be no different.

Now, I am not saying that every Wiccan uses the Wiccan Rede. Some are followers of the older faith and do not choose to abide by the new rules. Just as we need to accept all faiths, we need to accept that those who may not use that Rede are not evil or weird or freaks. Just different, like you and me.

Back to what I was saying. “In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust” has been debated a lot, as truth and non even within the Wiccan community. My take on it is that true, there is no such thing as a literal “perfect”, except when speaking of the Divine. They are the only perfection. And that’s why perfection is unattainable. We are all made perfectly, but even so, it is at our core, simply because we come from the Gods. However, at the same time, we are all imperfect as well. That is simply because the physical plane has to be imperfect. In fact, to have symmetry of our limbs, eyes, even (as women) our bosoms are unsymmetrical. Every girl can tell you which one is bigger lol. I wouldn’t exactly recommend asking every one though haha. So, we come from utter perfection, but in order to be on this plane, we must be imperfect.

But as we delve deeper and deeper into this faith, seeking out the answers of the universe, we try to somehow, reach or see one tiny aspect of divinity.

We already know of it, but no one truly sees it. The true aspect of Divinity is Love. It seemed so simple to me, at first, but after reading this article on The Witches Voice, it became clear that it was far from it. As SilverEagle wrote: “There is a lot of resistance to this practice for most of us. We have within us a pseudo self that treasures the illusion. It is important for us to question this self.” We love Lady Luna and Helios because we trust them to always have our best interest in mind. We all have gone through many tests just by surviving childbirth, and have endured more since. And we will not be done until we cross to the other side of that black veil. Once we do, we know that the Goddess has shown us enough for this life, and it is time to start over. She loves us enough to put us through these trials, and Helios gives us the light and warmth that we need to see that we always have the strength to persevere. And we love her because we maintain her strength in all we do. Every person is of the Goddess, and though you may not like the person for as far as you can throw him or her, or you may not even know him or her, but you love them. This because inside, they are of the Goddess.

Now, I have covered perfect, love……ah! Trust. Shall we?

Trust is a very touchy thing for me. It has always been hard for me. Because of my tests, I have learned, like most others, that every person is not worth trusting, even if they look, act, or even may seem like the best person. They have gone through almost everything I have! So? What in this wide world and beyond makes you think that someone will not take your kindness and run with it for miles and onward? Perfect trust is not naive. Perfect trust and perfect love are able to check each other. If I don’t trust them, I cannot love them, and vice versa. And just because a person says that they believe in this statement, or are even Wiccan or Pagan, that does not necessarily mean that they deserve your trust, or mean what they say. Perfect trust demands intelligence, and especially with our limited trust of others in this day and age. Anyone can stab you in the back, and if they are truly of merit, then they wont mind if you question their means. This is your life, your body, your mind, your spirit. Let no one, NO ONE, be they man, beast, deity, inanimate or alive, take away your right to do what is right and righteous for you. Be selfish! That is your right! And yes, included in this is the event of you taking away your own voice. Trust and love yourself. We all know that Self-confidence and Self-love ride in the same boat. Confidence is trust! So have the confidence in your stride and dance among the unenlightened!

Now, because each aspect of this phrase has been questioned, how do we combine the three to make this nifty Wiccan phrase? You love as the Gods do and trust in the Gods and Fate itself. By agreeing to enter the circle, you are vulnerable, but because you are of the Gods, and are able to love perfectly, and have perfect faith in the universe and your own will and intentions you may choose to surrender any psychological barriers and enter, or say, I am not ready to give up my distrust and stand. You have the choice to make that decision. You are not being forced to enter, so work to attain that light inside of you and do no enter until you are ready to surrender all your troubles to the Divine. I know I have a long way to go, so do not feel alone.

So, what have we learned?

I have learned that carpal tunnel is no excuse to not type hahaha.

Anyway, summary. Perfect is simply, of the divine. Because we are of the Gods, we have the gift of Love, as well as Free Will– to give trust and question our surroundings. So, to invoke perfect love and perfect trust is to say, you and I are of the Gods, and we both are going to follow their will and serve them to the best of our ability because that is why we are here. That is why She dances so freely. That is why I am writing this explanation.

Brightest Blessings,
Ivy MoonPanther