If you live outside Conus (continental US) or in a different hemisphere, this will be useful, if you don’t already have the knowledge. This is from Yahoo user nyjh.

The standard Sabbats marked in the Wheel of the Year as follows:

The Sabbats dates for the Northern hemisphere:
Yule- Winter Solstice (December 21st/22nd )
Imbolc – Beginning of Spring (February 1st/2nd )
Ostara- Spring Equinox (March 21st/22nd)
Beltaine- Fertility Festival (April 30th/May 1st)
Litha- Summer Solstice (June 21st/22nd)
Lughnasadh- First Harvest (August 1st/2nd)
Mabon- Autumn Equinox (September 21st/22nd)
Samhain- New Year (October 31)

The Sabbats dates for the Southern hemisphere:
Yule – Winter Solstice (June 21st/22nd)
Imbolc- Beginning of Spring (August 1st/2nd)
Ostara- Spring Equinox (September 21st/22nd)
Beltaine- Fertility Festival (October 31st/November 1st)
Litha- Summer Solstice (Dec 21st/22nd)
Lughnasadh- First Harvest (February 1st/2nd)
Mabon- Autumn Equinox (March 21st/22nd)
Samhain- New Year (April 30)

Newbie Questions, Part 2

January 29, 2009

The following statements are my personal opinion. Lash out if you want, but an opinion is just that. No one else is responsible for these words except me.

Why does everyone want to be ignorant about Wicca?
I feel that it’s more that people feel that they have heard all that they want to know, read all that they want to read, and seen all that they want to see. No, this is not a bashing at Hollywood, or even medieval rulers to be honest. I am just saying that just like you have seen the stereotypes, so have other people. People may interpret things differently. Don’t go on the warpath simply because they saw your pentacle as a Star of David. We are given out knowledge to educate those who are willing, and to ignore or tolerate the ones that don’t. Why? Because that’s providing a courtesy that most may not give you, and it makes you stronger for it.

How do I figure out what path in Wicca to go into?
I can’t tell you that to be honest. That is something you must see for yourself. I am not you, so I don’t know what is best for you. Just like I will not badger you into wearing the jeans I like because I think you’d like them, I won’t badger you into any path. There are many out there. There may not be one suited for you; you may have bits of many in your psyche. All of that is for you to find out, not me.

Can you give me some websites to go to get Wiccan spells?
I am not going to just give you a spell, unfortunately, however, let me ask you this: Why are you asking for a spell? Are you looking for an easy way out of something, or a microwave solution? This is not a world where in 2-3 minutes you can have a hot piping delectable world filled with promise. People have always had to earn their keep, and those who cheated through the work always suffer for it. Please research Wicca a bit more before asking that to anyone else, especially the Law of Return, or Threefold law. I have a post here about it, click here to get to it.

Any ideas on how to practice Wicca with no money?
Ah, that is a great question. A lot of new Wiccans see Wicca as a, oh crap now I need to buy a robe, some candles, incenses, a tricked out pentacle, some black….everything, etc. Your belief is all that matters, and yes, that is free. I am broke myself, so I try to find frugality whenever I can. A good idea is to grow your own herbs. Another idea is researching over the internet. What I do is research for Wiccan books, or new age books, and then search the local library for the book. Most of the time, I find it, put it on hold, and pick it up on my way to work. Either way, there are always resources at your disposal. Research groups that don’t charge (i.e. Meetup), and websites that hold knowledge about Wicca. Don’t limit yourself to just one perspective though. Also, thrift stores are a godsend. Just remember that all you need to practice is your mind.

Why do people get Wiccan and Satanism confused?
Simple answer? In Christianity, anything that is not Christian is associated with Satan. Complex answer? Back in the old days, when Christianity was the new religion, it banned Pagans turned their symbols into their antagonistic deity, Beelzebub or Satan. Despite any kind of truth, more so greed and fear, the images and spoken rumors turned into what we call the Witch Trials, in Europe, America, and more recently, Africa. Because these images stuck, most people see Wicca as what they were exposed to, not on what they have researched.

Does anyone practice the Wicca religion and know the old ways?
First, Wicca is new. It began in the 1960’s, so I am going to answer no. The Old Ways are specific to ways that were practiced in medieval ages or even prior to that. Even someone who is a descendant of a witch and practices the Craft more than likely is not Wiccan. Yet, I am not even certain that all of the old ways have survived all of these centuries. Just me being honest though.

How do I convince my mother (or other parental figure) to let me study Wiccan?
I say build up your case. My parents still don’t understand my path, but they accept it. Your mother may never see Wicca as what she sees as the best for you, it is not for us to say. Try and see things from her point of view. Talk rationally. Do not pull the teenage tantrum, if you are trying to be seen as an adult in her eyes; someone that is mature enough to make their own decision on what they have faith in. She may not like it at first, second, or 23rd time. It is up to her to seek the truth, just like you. Accept her ideals, as you would like her to accept yours. Again, there are libraries and places to go on the internet to join forums and groups to meet, but I wouldn’t outright disobey her.

I just was wondering if a Wicca spell for healing someone with Cerebral Palsy would actually work or not?
Depends. Some say that in higher magick, you can work miracles, but I say the physical ailments need to be healed by physical healers. As far as CP goes, there is no cure, at least that’s what I remember about it, but there are treatments. A way to remove angst towards something you cannot control is by showing yourself that it is not a burden. I have friends who live with CP that are happy, at least from what I see. Meditate, and live your life unchained. No God/dess would give you any hardship you couldn’t handle.

Is Wiccan real? Witchcraft? Tell me an easy simple spell I can perform so I can see with my own eyes?
That, again, is up to perception and personal interpretation of what is real/fake. You may see something as real or fake depending on if you can see, hear, touch, taste, or feel it. Maybe all at once. But within the magick I have done, I do not need to see it for it to be real. It is more of an inner feeling, something you cannot express in words without looking like a hippy or nutcase. That is called the sixth sense. Many describe it when they are in love, or angry; for witchcraft to be real, you must seek out the wisdom on your own. And as for Wicca (the religion) it may not be true for you. Research it and find out.

What is the fastest way to grasp the art of Wicca?
Again, not a microwave world. A way to better comprehend the happenings around you is to accept that not only are there forces unseen by any mortal (something that is of the divine but imperfect because it can die) senses is to meditate. Start practicing putting yourself in a trance state. The only way to let it become more useful to you is to get used to it.

How do you know magick is real?
Again, I can only speak for myself. I can tell you stories, go on for hours, but I cannot put the divine into words simply because they are Divine. That includes the magick they give us in our souls and around us. You may experience it with X, while I experience it with Y. Perception is key to Magick.

Click here to go to Yahoo Answers (where i got my questions; bored at work again.)